How To Get Started With AOF Sit & Go On GGPoker?

10 Feb 2025
Mrinal Gujare 10 Feb 2025
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In this article we will explore the game structure, rules, and key features of All-in Or Fold Sit & Go to help players navigate the unique format.

GGPoker, a leading brand in the global online poker space introduced a new twist to its All-In or Fold (AOF) game format by launching All-in Or Fold Sit & Go. 

The game offers a fast-paced, shootout-style poker experience which is designed keeping in mind quick and intense poker sessions. 


Game Format

The AOF Sit & Go is structured as a 16-player game, divided into four tables with four players per table. The game follows a shootout format, where the winner from each table advances to the final round. Players must adapt quickly to secure a spot in the finals.

How to join the All-in Or Fold Sit & Go game?

Players can access AOF Sit & Go games on GGPoker by following the below steps:

  • Head to the All-In or Fold tab 
  • Select the buy-in level of your choice
  • Use the Sit & Go filter for easy game access
  • Players have the option to grind in up to four tables at the same time
  • Understand the 3-Stack system
  • Every player in AOF Sit & Go starts with three stacks, representing three chances to win. 


The key rules and features of the 3-stack system are as below:

  • Stack Display: Remaining stacks can be seen under the player’s avatar.
  • Stack Usage: Players can choose to play with one or multiple stacks at a time, depending on their strategy.
  • Final Round: All stacks are reset at the final table, and each player receives a fresh set of three stacks.
  • This unique feature allows players for added flexibility, as decisions related to stack usage can influence how the game unfolds.

Shootout Format

The shootout structure of the AoF Sit & Go ensures a high-voltage elimination-style game. Here, the initial four-player tables reduce the field to one player per table. These initial survivors proceed to the final round, where the gameplay resets, and blinds start again from Level 1.


Game rules

  • Deck: A standard deck of 52 cards is used, and it is shuffled after every hand.
  • No Deal Option: The game does not support a ‘Make a Deal’ feature.
  • Final Round: On reaching the final table, all stacks are reset, and blinds are set once again from the first level.
These rules emphasise straightforward and skill-based play without the option of striking a deal with other rivals on the table.

Important Terms

Players must remember participants should be aware of the following terms and regulations:

Age Restrictions: Players must be aged 18+, 19+, 21+, or 24+, depending on the jurisdiction.
Jurisdictional restrictions: GGPoker offers may vary based on country-specific laws and regulations. Certain game features or promotions might be unavailable in some regions.


AOF Sit & Go on GGPoker offers a fast-paced grinding experience for pros and recreational players alike. With its 3-stack system, shootout format, and rapid gameplay, the format caters to players seeking quick and intense poker action. 

To get started with AOF Sit & Go, players can sign up on the platform using GGPoker promo code NEWBONUS and fetch a welcome bonus of $600.

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